station when there's a train on the platform and they think they can
make it. Their elbows pop out and their arms flap just like the are
doing the Chicken Dance at the local Oktoberfest. It's almost
endearing that they think it helps them get to the train before it
leaves the platform.
What's not funny is when one of those arm-flapping, bird people flaps
his elbow/molted wing squarely into my arm that's holding a cup of
coffee and said coffee flys everywhere. Drinking coffee a la my hairy
arm, while still delicious, is not exactly how I planned to spend my
morning commute.
I understand we all want to get to work on time, but if you getting to
work at 8 AM requires you to attempt take off on the train platform,
I'm afraid you might want to consider leaving the house just a tad bit
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