Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rounding Out The When

All this planning for the wedding and we haven't even scratched the surface. With the decision to have a private ceremony or whatnot away (but still not knowing where exactly) out of the way, we decided that we want to have a party here in town, something that essentially amounts to a reception. We want to do that here in Chicago because this city is very important to us and because all our friends and family can easily get here.

But that then leaves us with the question of when to have said party. Our current thought line is to have it on June 26, 2010. June 26 is our anniversary, so the date holds meaning for us, and it will be a Saturday, which makes it even more appealing. A Saturday in June in Chicago… sounds nice.

The potential problems: Pride typically falls that weekend. And checking the planned events for the city this year that is the weekend that Taste of Chicago opens downtown. Both of these things have upsides and major downsides. On the upside, there could be plenty for our friends and family to do while in town. If they make a weekend out of it, they could stop by the Taste and sample some of the local faire or they swing up to the Pride festival for some gay flavor. We could also spend the Sunday after with everyone at the Pride Parade, which would be a blast! However, both Taste and Pride draw pretty big tourist crowds, which could cause some congestion downtown (which would be crazy for those not familiar with Chicago) and would also mean higher priced hotel rooms.

I really, really like the idea of having our party on the 26th, and I think it's important for us to pick a solid date sooner rather than later so that we can get into the nittier parts of planning, but with all these potential other things to consider, I think we need just a little more time to mull it over.

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