Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lady Gaga's Speechless Minus Autotune

The girl is crazy for sure, but that might be what I love about her.  Y'all know I'm not much of a pop fan.  Just look at the music I feature, it's almost all rock or folk (except Janet... she's just amazing).  But lately I've grown to really like Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert.

This clip is from her performance on Ellen this last week.  I just love it.  This song on the album is pretty good, but I like it much more without the auto-tune.  She's got a really great voice that I hope they actually feature on her next album.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Lady Gaga is pretty much made of awesome as far as music and fasion go. She does have a great voice. Her music is like homo cat-nip...for me, at least. :D

Anonymous said...

Are you fucking stupid?

Gagas music is cheap and meaningless. All the fashion and stupid attitude is SOLELY becasue she and her writer can't write deep, soul touching songs.

That's why you have oooo poker face.

I don't know what retardness level you must be at, to consider that a good music.

Cubbyish said...

Yikes. That's pretty much overtly angry over nothing there, anon #2. But you're obviously correct, I must be at some insanely high... what was it again?... "retardness level?"... In fact, I think I maxed out that level last year, when I wrote this post.