Monday, October 25, 2010

Everyday Politics

Election season is always a blast. If you go back through my archives to the last election cycle in 2008, you can see that I can be quite… passionate about my opinions in politics. I have to say though that I am a bit proud of myself for not getting so wrapped up and impassioned this time around.

Maybe that sounds odd. After all, we should be involved and interested in politics! And while I agree with that sentiment, I also have to wonder why everything in politics needs to boil down to rage and agony? I've started to think that the more we accept that kind of tactic from our politicians, the more they are willing to "go there" to that dark, dank place known as smear campaigns.

Some would argue that politicians will always "go there" because, frankly, it works. There are piles upon piles of uneducated, uninterested voters to pull from, and it is much easier to find that one issue those voters care about and push that button than it is to engage an audience and sell them on real political platforms.

Take, for example, this guy. It doesn't matter where he's running or what he's running for (if you're really interested, check the link), but what does matter is his tactic. In a recent robo-call, he had the following to say:

Liberal Democratic lawyer and openly homosexual statehouse candidate Tony Sessoms, doesn't share our values. boasts that Sessoms is 'independently wealthy, and if elected would become the first openly lesbian state representative.' Sessoms is endorsed by the homosexual newspaper in Detroit, by Detroit's homosexual equality Michigan PAC and by the Michigan Democratic Party homosexual and transgender caucus. Sessom's campaign manager is the openly homosexual Central Michigan University faculty member who lost the statehouse race two years ago. Her deputy campaign manager was co-president of CMU's homosexual student group -- an openly homosexual candidate with a campaign run by homosexual activists. But, of course, in a district where voters strongly supported the marriage protection amendment none of this is disclosed on Tony Sessom's campaign material. With homosexual activists in the Michigan Democratic Party pushing to repeal our marriage amendment, our families deserve a state representative we can trust shares our values. Not a candidate with a hidden agenda, homosexual activist agenda, not Tony Sessoms.

Let me sum this up for you: HE'S A HOMOGAY!!!!!11!1! OMG, RUN!!

Notice that there's zero actual information about politics or issues that matter. Notice that there is insinuation, but no actual substance. Notice the Gay Is Evil-Bad meme.

This is politics today. Well, it's politics everyday, really. Will we ever be able to move away from that?

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