Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I Like To Make Up Awards Too

So… the elections happened. Frankly, I'm finding it hard to be too upset about anything or too thrilled about anything unless it happens in my voting district, so I don't particularly care much for the wins and losses around the country. If people want crazy-ass freaks as their elected officials, so be it! They'll change their minds again in a couple years anyway.

Here in Illinois we elected Mark Kirk as our senator. And I'm supremely confused by that. I mean, this is a closeted gay guy that can't find it in himself to support marriage equality. He supports civil unions though. Which is great, if you enjoy being treated like the family pet getting fed table scraps. Aside from that, this is also the guy that can't remember which military medals and awards he's earned, so he just makes them up. Sounds like a super fella.

But whatever, as a friend pointed out he's not the worstest Republican out there. He does at least pretend to not completely hate the gays. Here's to 6 years of frustrating hypocrisy and angry letters from me!

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