Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Embracing The Geek

I'm pretty much a geek.

I've discussed it before, and honestly the idea that I blog at all puts me on the geekier end of the geek/non-geek spectrum. On top of blogging, I game (a lot), I love tech and gadgets (as much as budgets allow), and I follow general geek culture. In short, I'm kind of geeky.

But I recently noticed that I don't discuss much geekery here on this blog. I use to use my gaming blog and tech blogs as my geekery blogs and kept this blog more for personal and/or political discussion, but I've long since given up on my gaming blog and even longer since on my tech blog. The main reason I gave up on those blogs was that I wasn't enjoying having to keep those parts of my life separate and I was going to incorporate more geekery here on this blog… but I just haven't done that yet.

So I suppose this post is more to announce that I'll be incorporating more geekiness into I'm Just Gaying… It's an essential part of who I am and I feel rather silly trying to compartmentalize my life, even on the internets. I spend quite a bit of time in my daily life avoiding discussing various topics with certain people or groups, I'd rather not do that here.

There are a few ideas floating in my head on how best to incorporate different topics here, so bear with me as I try a few out. If you like something, let me know.

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