Initially I created a new Night Elf Mage, simply because I was excited to see my favorite race's new beginnings and get that back story going. But I switched it up and started playing a Goblin Shaman because I had never played through the Horde side of the game. I had previously touched the early zones of the Horde side a few times, but never played it through. So I took my Shaman all the way through the re-vamped content. Not having the original experience to compare it to, I have to say that I enjoyed the stories presented and really enjoyed the new thinking the game has with regard to questing and zone exploration. My one complaint would be that it appears much more work was put into the earliest areas and the higher-leveled areas seem pretty much the same to me.
I've recently started revisiting my Night Elf Hunter though, who was my original character. I hadn't touched her in probably over a year, but I've been more and more interested in playing the character again. It's a bit of a nostalgia trip playing this character though. The equipment in her inventory and items she has all bring back some memories of when I played the game a few years back and was much more involved in it at the time.
Many of the classes have changed since I last played. For example, my Hunter now uses a Focus mechanic for her abilities when she use to use mana. Leveling up is also very different and goes right along with the game's streamlining efforts. Being forced into one role right off the bat is a bit jarring, but it does allow you time to really understand your chosen role before giving you the chance to make mistakes.
I think the Hunter change is the hardest one for me to really understand. I had grown use to playing her a certain way and I'm now trying to essentially re-learn her play style all together. No longer can she just release non-stop damage. Every once in a while she has to slow down now, and that's a bit tricky for someone who is use to unleashing ability after ability. But she's still fun to play regardless of the changes, and she still has the same pet she's always had as her companion, so there's some comfort in that at least.
The Shaman is a mixed bag of a class. It can heal other players well enough, it can act as a damaging force to be reckoned with, but I'm just not clicking with it like I thought I would. I enjoy healing in Warcraft in general, but the Shaman doesn't feel right to me. She does it well, mind you, but… well, it's just boring. She has very few bells and whistles. Perhaps it's time to go back to my Druid and explore what healing is like with him now.
Well, those are my thoughts on the "new" World of Warcraft. I can sum it up by saying: It's different, but I like it, and the new content is better than I thought it would be. It's like biting into a sandwich thinking it's a burger, but it turns out it's actually a chicken sandwich. You have that moment where you are a bit shocked because you expected one thing, but then you realize it's actually a very good chicken sandwich, so you're OK with that as well.
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