Oh, my dear Sarah Palin. She's sooo smart! Every time she does something stupid and gets called out for it, she has this amazing ability to act like the problem isn't her, it's everyone else ganging up on her that's the real problem! It's almost like she's one of those soccer players you see during the World Cup that fake an injury whenever anything happens in hopes of getting another player carded or just slowing down the game. Effective but blatantly obvious.
She's been the at the center of the controversy about over-the-top rhetoric in the U.S. political landscape, particularly for her map of targets. And she recently went on to a Fox program (BTW, she also works for Fox) to explain why she is really the victim in all of this hate-spewing recently, and that her "targets' couldn't possibly be used to indicate anything other than happiness and bunnies. Or some such bull shit, I usually stop hearing what she says shortly after she starts talking. Once someone has proven their an idiot it's hard for me to waste time on them anymore. But if want to hear what she said verbatim, check out the video at this link.
One of her quotes that I'll paraphrase here is that she believes that the whole point of this backlash against her recently is to try and get her to shut up and go away, and that it's all some conspiracy from The Left to discredit her. Why is it always a conspiracy with her?
While I won't throw out the possibility that some in the behind-the-scenes business of Washington may be fanning the flames of the story to add fodder to the anti-Palin presidential bid in 2012 (which is inevitable), I also won't throw out the idea that some on the Right are right there with the Lefties pushing the story. Less competition is a good thing for lesser known Republicans looking for the party nomination.
However, perhaps Palin should actually learn to shut up. "Uh-oh, another lefty trying to hinder free speech!!1!11!" Well, no, not exactly. I actually hope that she continues to speak, as publicly and as often as possible. It's extremely amusing once I settle my knee-jerk reactions. And I firmly believe in the credo of letting someone be their own demise as the are much more effective at it than someone else pointing at their flaws. You know, let them ramble so the people can see how idiotic they actually are.
Sometimes silence is golden. And if Palin were smart, which she's proving that she is not, she would simply not comment on the whole ordeal. Maybe state that in light of the situation she's removed the map, but other than that simply state "I refuse to engage in this highly charged and obviously biased discussion." Then move on.
Of course, she allows herself to be drawn in, which does nothing but benefit her opponents on the Right and the Left alike. So please, Sarah, please, please, please keep on talking.
It's only amusing until you realise that there are people who'll believe what she says no matter how insane or self-contradictory it gets. Then it gets a little bit scary.
Yeah, but there are people that believe the Pope is magical, Jonah lived in a whale belly, and that overlord Xenu is sending his dead alien spirits to torture us for eternity. So saying people believe weird things is nothing new ;)
Sure, there are those who support her, but I think if you put just about anyone on the public stage youll find they have supporters. It's true hers tend to be much less sane than some others, the rest of world that may just think she's a "nice gal" see how wrong that impression is every time she talks.
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