I figure Thursdays, for all my love of the day, would make a perfect day to discuss what I've been watching in the realm of television, movies and theater (whenever we get the chance to go). I don't think I'll take this column as a critical analysis (or hack-job analysis as is more likely with one of my pieces), I do think it'll be fun to discuss what I've been watching. There will likely be spoilers, but considering I'm almost always behind on my TV watching and what not, I doubt that there will be too many. Join me and discuss what you've been watching in the comments!
I'll be honest and state up front that I'm just not much of a TV person. There are a few shows that I love and will watch regularly, but in general I just turn on Comedy Central of MSNBC and let it go in the background while I'm on my computer gaming. My husband watches far more TV than I do, which in turn means I get caught up on a few more shows than I would on my own devices.
Finding myself drawn into his Stories is a side affect of living with a TV watching person though. I would not watch Grey's Anatomy on my own, but since he watches it I find that get more and more interested in his shows. Keep that in mind as we dive into what I've been watching this week!

The L Word has also been playing in our house this week. My husband has been getting into the show, and I've caught on to it after a couple episodes as well and have so far been enjoying it. I think we're both big fans of Shawn and her bad girl with a heart appeal, but we're already getting annoyed with the petty, controlling characters on the show. I suppose getting to a point where you have strong opinions about the different characters is a good thing though as it means your getting invested!
We also watched Grey's Anatomy this week. I'm not exactly sure how far behind we are with this season, if at all, but the episode we watched was the episode about a school shooter that opened fire on his campus and, of course, all of the victims came to the hospital that is obviously close to everything. It was a rather timely episode given the shooting in Arizona this past weekend. What stuck out to me in the episode was the mother of the shooter and her reaction to the whole event, as well as people's reaction to her, then drawing the parallel to the Arizona shooter's family… It wasn't super happy fun TV, but it was interesting and poignant.
Netflix brought us two movies this week: The Expendables and The Sorcerer's Apprentice. We saw Sorcerer's Apprentice at the movies when it released and I had just about the same impression of it at home as I did on the big screen. It's enjoyable and fun, but nothing I care to cherish forever or watch again. The fact that Nicholas Cage was in it and he didn't annoy the hell out of me actually speak volumes for the movie, but he is still in it, so it can't really get over that hurdle.

What Did You Watch
That's what I watched this week. Most of our regular Stories are on winter break still and since it's Oscar season, not many movies have bee released that appeal to us. While I enjoy a good drama, my husband is not a big fan of any movie that is too serious, so Oscar season is usually a bust for us.
But what have you been watching? Tell me about it in the comments!
Have you watched the mini-series on HBO Pillars of the Earth? I really enjoyed it and it stayed very true to the book.
The only show I really enjoy on TV atm is Criminal Minds. I'm still waiting for new Nurse Jackie.
As for movies we rented The American with George Clooney. My laptop was more interesting to me though.
Hot Tub Time Machine had good cheezy 80's laughs. And we watched most of the Roger Moore James Bonds flicks again.
Buffy? And, I'm not surprised. :) But, I do find myself going back to the favorites from time to time. Dawson's Creek, Roswell, Soprano's, Smallville, and Friends. But now because of Netflix live streaming on the XBOX I've been able to catch up on more. The fiance and I finally finished up the entire LOST series about a month ago. I was very pleased with the series and with the way it ended. Loved it.
Since the completion of LOST I have been searching for a new series to grab my attention. I finally took a look at the "recommendations" from Netflix for me and found the new addiction. GREEK. Yes, its an ABC Family show and probably made popular by 14 year old girls, but I am a Dawson's Creek fan. Started watching GREEK about a week ago and we don't want to watch anything else. The DVR has things like Glory Daze from TBS, The Walking Dead from AMC, and even a couple of new episodes of Family Guy. GREEK has me hooked thanks to Netflix and their recommendation.
Great topic.
@Elleseven - I am not familiar with Pillars of Earth at all, but I think I'll hunt it down now! We watched Nurse Jackie briefly, but I never really got into it much. And I think Hot Tub Time Machine is in out Netflix queue somewhere.
@Shae - I've been meaning to do the Lost series, but it's not on the top of my list just yet. And I've heard great things about Greek too, so no worries ;)
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