Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Again With The Out Right Lies

I have to admit that I'm getting to the point where I'm tired of fighting these religiously motivated, anti-gay bigots. "Why are you always down on the religion stuff, Dickie? Seriously, lay off!" you might say. However, I'd beg you to find me an example of anti-gay sentiment that didn't stem from religion.

Bigoted religious organizations are spending all of their time right now simply creating lies and falsehoods to spread to their constituents. Clearly, I still don't understand why it's relevant to them, other than as a blatant attempt to grab some form of self-importance from the situation. Why else would a church go out of it's way to make statements like "Hate-crimes legislation will mean that we will all get arrested for saying gays are bad?" Truth is that the hate-crimes legislation proposed here in the states is specifically toward crimes. Last I heard, calling someone a fag wasn't a crime, but beating the living shit out of them because you think they are is should be.

Fact of the matter is that Religious Preference is already protected by hate-crime legislation, yet here I stand telling everyone that the religious leaders and followers of our nations biggest hate machines are bigots. Wanna know a secret? I'm not doing it from jail! I know, it's amazing! I mean, if we were to believe what this nut-jobs are saying, then I'd have to be arrested because I speak openly about the evils of the church on a regular and daily basis, right? Yet, here I am. Still blogging away without a hint of the po-po on me. Weird how that works, isn't it?

And I am STILL waiting on one person to give me a relevant reason for Equality to not be the law of our land. Just one real reason, that's backed by real science (I know that concept is hard for Fundamentalist Christians to understand, but those of us who live in Reality are fond of Science), and I'd at least understand why they are bothering to fight. They'd of course still be wrong, but I'd at least have a semblance of respect for their arguments.

But hey, it's much, much easier to build a case from out-right lies and fear-mongering, isn't it? Just ask W. He's the king of that. Shit, we're still mired in a war because of his out-right lies and fear-mongering. I should start saying things like "Christians want to castrate all men everywhere!" and site a few Bible verses that show castration as punishment and see what happens. I mean, it's not true, and the Bible verses are completely irrelevant, but I'm bored and feel like fucking with other people's lives, so I'll give it a shot and see how much power and money I can rack up…

Come on people, start thinking for your god damned selves!

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