Friday, May 15, 2009

Introspective Moment

I feel like I've been pretty quiet on this here blog as of late. Not that there isn't plenty to talk about, mind you, but it's more about me formulating my thoughts on the various topics well enough to write a full on post. We've been seeing a lot of advancement in the gay rights movement over the past few weeks, and we've been receiving a lot of press all together, which is great news. Considering that one of my friends was completely unaware that LGBT folk were still fighting for the same rights as hetero people, I think all the air time we can get is good.

I recently had a conversation that shed some light on who I am as a person, which at the same time that it was illuminating was also confusing. It seems that I'm a person that is ok with some ambiguity and not knowing the answer, as long as there is an answer to be found and I can get there eventually. This is confusing to me because I've always seen myself as a very black/white type person when it comes to moral decisions: It's not OK to hurt someone else, it's very much ok to love someone else. However, I'm pretty OK with personal ambiguity, with not knowing exactly where I fit in to the puzzle all the time as long as I'm still looking.

I think people take journeys, and sometimes those journey's take a long time to finish. Some people will wander and absorb and try every path before settling on one or forging a new path, and others will know early on what path is theirs to take. Personally, I think the important part is that we are on the journey, not the destination. It's important that we search, learn and grow. The destination is, or course, important as well as we'll likely spend some time there, but I'm a person that wants to explore all the corners before accepting a path.

How does this mesh with the other aspect of me, where morality is pretty black and white (hooray, Gemini!)? I feel like if I'm come to a conclusion on something, if I've decided that this is right and that is wrong, that I most likely have examined the issue pretty well and can make a sound call. I can still change my mind, as we all are constantly growing and changing and can never know everything there is to know, but once I've arrived at a decision, it's going to take some compelling reasoning to change my thoughts.

That's what I've been doing lately with the LGBT movement as a whole. The landscape is changing quickly and I think that requires a bit of re-examining to put into perspective. I am still steadfast in demanding equality, but perhaps we can approach the fight from a new angle now that we have soldiers actively fighting and winning certain battles. I'm no less passionate now, but my passion is being consumed by other things that I won't discuss here. So, even though I'm starting to figure out the next leg of my journey, I'm no less loud and proud than I ever was.

1 comment:

-evr said...

I love how boisterous you are about your pride. You wear it on your sleave and god help anyone that tries to be anything less than respectful towards it. You make me proud to be your boyfriend!