Oh, that's cool. No worries, I really enjoy watching our military fall to the shitter because of some fucked up notion of sexual normalization by old white dudes in purty uniforms (most likely designed by another queer guy). It's really no big deal that we're in the midst of a losing war and a financial crisis, $25 million in investments, not even mentioning the courage and integrity the administration will be tossing out the window, is really just chump change, right?
Obama, you made a promise. Now live up to it. Stop fucking around and get it done. We're really over it. Our community is on the brink of losing it because we've heard absolutely nothing from you. It's like we're AIDS in the 80's: if you just don't mention us, maybe we'll go away. Sadly for your team, that's not the case. We aren't going away, and we will continue to demand equality and continue to force your hand as best we can until you live up to your campaign promises. And not in your (supposed) next term, but in this term. You know, the one you promised to fix things in.
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