Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Locking Us In Or Locking Us Down?

Everything seems to be pointing to the California Supreme Court's decision on Proposition 8 being handed down tomorrow. Why do I say that? It might have something to do with the adorable barricades being dropped off in the Castro District of San Francisco. Unless they are finally getting around to quarantining all of the 'mos in Castro like Anita Bryant wanted to do back in the day, I'm guessing this looks more like a measure designed to help police when the chaos breaks loose, either positive or negative.

Poignantly, tomorrow also marks the 30 anniversary of the White Night Riots. The riots were in response to Dan White's half-hearted conviction of manslaughter for the murders of Harvey Milk and Mayor Mascone. If you're not familiar, manslaughter is generally used in cases of "accidental" murder… not too accidental when you break into city hall and gun down two victims in two different parts of the building in the head. Needless to say, the LGBT community was none to happy with that ruling, and proceeded to riot through the evening.

Perhaps San Francisco is worried that might happen again? I can tell you this, if the court upholds Prop 8, things won't be sugary and sweet out in the streets.

UPDATE: Looks like this isn't coming down tomorrow after all, but that only leaves next week for the decision. Rumor has it that current mayor and gay rights champion Gavin Newsom asked the court to not hand the decision down on the anniversary of such an important date in gay history.

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