Thursday, July 9, 2009

How Texas Is Trying To De-Gay: Hate And Discriminate

Oh, my dear Texas... the state where I have my first memories of living in America... What the fuck is wrong with you?! First, you give us G. W. Bush. Fuck you for that. Recently, you decided to raid a gay bar and beat the crap out of, and hospitalize, one of it's patrons. Why? Because they were drinking in public. At a bar… Fuck you for that. Oh, and now you want to kick out The Gays of your restaurants in El Paso because gay acts are supposedly illegal in your state? Well, fuck you VERY much.

Mayhaps you forget that it was Texas that lost the seminal case Lawrence V Texas, and in doing so made it no longer legal to discriminate against the gays for their "acts." Maybe even you forget that in El Paso, as in many, many, many cities, it's illegal to discriminate against people for their sexual orientation in businesses open to the public. Maybe. Or maybe your officers are all just ignorant twits that need to go back to school for a bit of re-education.

"Hi, um, 2009? Yeah, listen… we need a favor. It seems that you, and your brothers before you, kind of forgot to stop by Texas. Yeah, I know it was just an oversight, but seriously dude. Get over there!"

This kind of shit just baffles my mind. How can this continue to happen? I really, honestly don't care one tiny bit about the fact that it happened in Texas. Even more honestly, I could care one iota less that straight people might possibly be feeling uncomfortable with the LGBT folk's progression toward civil justice. I suppose it confuses some of them, so they resort to just about the only thing straight men do well: violence.

So Texas, here's to you being a state full of ignorant dumb fucking breeders. To all the LGBT folk in that state, I'm sorry. I'm more than happy to show you the ropes here in Chicago though! I won't be coming to visit there any time soon though, that's for sure.

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