Monday, July 13, 2009

This Weekend In Gay!

So here's a summary of the Weekend In Gay:

Pat Buchanan proves he's an absolute, total, devoted Christian that can't help but exude the life and times of Jesus by advocating that Todd Palin (Sarah's man-toy husband) go out and drown the Levi Johnston (the kinda-cute hill billy that knocked up Palin's daughter…).

Some in Congress are considering enacting a 18-month stay on terminations as a result of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. While it's an interesting start, and one that clearly draws a battle line, it's not enough and won't appease me until I see full repeal. As promised.

Apparently, in Illinois, you can totally kill a gay guy by stabbing him 61 times if you can make it seem like that guy was hitting on you. And then get away with it. Because a jury of your peers will think that it's such a fucking heinous act for a damned queer to hit on a god-fearing, child-rearing hetero that cold-blooded murder is a reasonable reaction. PS, this happened in Chicago, not Sticks Town Illinois. And I wonder why I can't even get partial human dignity human rights via Civil Unions.

An awesome protest was held in Utah. A Kiss-In on Mormon Church property was hosted because last week, the police in the area thought they could just handcuff a random gay couple for smooching on Mormon property.

Oh, and even more raids in Texas gay bars! Looks like the ABC in Texas like to bait bars and coerce underage children into committing illegal acts. Look, Texas, honey… we gays, we're not going away. And the more you fuck with us, the more likely you are to see a retaliation. Don't want us to have any rights? That's great, but the truth of it is that the shit you're doing is only helping our cause by giving us easy fodder. TY, LYLAS!

So yeah… that's what is was like being a 'mo this weekend.

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