Friday, July 17, 2009

Indiana Newspaper Prints Marriage Announcement

Here's a fun one kids. A couple in Iowa is getting married. One member of that couple asks their hometown newspaper to print an engagement announcement. The paper complies. No body cares because no one ever reads those damn things anymore. The end.

Oh, I should mention that both of the people in this story are men. And that their hometown paper is in Indiana. Still, that should be The End. But, of course, it's not. Because it has something to do with "the gays" and when they get mentioned anywhere, people feel the need to get all up in arms about someone else's business that has absolutely nothing to do with them.

Sooo, Christian Scarebears start this ass-crazy campaign of whining to the editor and calling the paper saying that the news paper (get this) is breaking the law because same-sex marriage is illegal in Indiana. The paper is obviously over stepping their bounds by stating that some queer couple is getting married! And apparently these complainers have nothing better to do with their time than read the wedding announcements in small-town newspapers for states and areas they don't even live in…

Let's clarify a few things here. Same-sex marriage is not illegal anywhere in this country. If it were, gay couples that held marriage ceremonies in states like Indiana (which happens all the time) would be arrested and charged with a crime along with the clergy or whomever performed said ceremony. That doesn't happen (thankfully). Rather, marriage rights are not recognized by the state, so couples can marry to their heart's content, but the state doesn't officially acknowledge that marriage.

Why is that difference important? Because saying things like "gay marriage is illegal" is just another tool that the Scarebears are trying to use to frame LGBT folk as evil, villainous pricks out to destroy the world. I think this is just the Christianist set projecting themselves onto someone else, but that's probably a little too Freudian for that crowd to understand.

If you feel so inclined, send a letter to the editor of this newspaper and let them know that you support their decision to publish the story. Lord knows (at the least Christian Fundamentalists think he does) that the editor is getting a crap ton of email from idiot bigots right now.

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