Monday, July 26, 2010

Geeks Pwn The Westboro Baptist Church

Good god, I love my geeks! I've been a geek for some time, as the simple evidence of writing a blog points to, but even more so I'm a gaming geek, as the evidence of writing a gaming blog would point to... OK, so it is completely evident that I'm a geek and I have no need to point it out to the readers, but still...

Anyway, there are reasons I love geeks, one of those reasons being how generally accepting they are of the LGBT community (except the online gaming community... they have a tendency to have some very vocal, vile, base punks in their mix). Another reason is that they have a wonderful sense of snark and sarcasm rarely seen in other communities.

Thus when the Westboro Baptist Church showed up to douse Comic Con, the largest "nerd con" in the states (events that heavily feature comics, games, or sci-fi as their subject... my definition at least), with their hate, the geeks of Comic Con were well prepared for some deliciously sarcastic rebuttals.

I've talked about the futility of protesting hate groups like the WBC before, and I still believe that, but the difference between the counter-protest I was talking about in that article and the one seen at Comic Con is that the Comic Con protest was the absolute perfect way to handle the WBC freaks: you can't take them seriously. All we can do is point out the absurdity of their message. Any our geeky friends just did it the best.

1 comment:

Scarybooster said...

I don't understand why they have to protest things like this. None if the geeks are hurting anybody. I'm not a hater, but those people need some Koolaid and relax. Life is fun and full of love. I think their church forgot that.