Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Non-Promise Of More Video To Come

Yesterday I posted up a quick video talking about my album of the week. I tried doing video before with mixed results and feelings. The old videos got a couple hits on YouTube and I got some feedback, but my problem with doing video is that while it is a bit easier to just sit down and talk, the rest of it seems to take longer. Editing and what not, even on this amatuer, hobbyist level takes some time, and getting used to the tools that are available to me also takes some time.

But I like the format in general. Probably not for every topic, as I still really enjoy the written word and what I can do as far as revising and editing prior to posting, but for an occasional post here and there… video could work just fine.

You'll likely see more video from me in the future. If anyone has any suggestions on free software to make things easier, I'm always up for suggestions. Right now I have YouCam to do the recording (I hate it, btw) and Windows Live Movie Maker (it's solid, but I miss the built in Movie Maker that came with Vista), but I'm certainly not tied to either program.


Unknown said...

A few friends and I thought about doing a vlog a while back, but it never came about because...well...my friends are lame.

Still, I have used Pinnacle Studio for regular home video editing, and it works great. It CAN be pretty pricy, although I got an older copy from Woot.com a while back for $30 or something. I'm sure there are discounts around the net here and there.

Cubbyish said...

Thanks for the tip, I'll look into it! I likely won't invest in anything right now, because knowing myself and my whimsy I'll decide vlogging is stupid and pointless within a month! ;) But if I stick with it, it may be worth a few bucks to up my game and make some videos with a modicum of quality.